We'll be patrolling
border country
to find these animals,
bring them to justice.
U.S. Cavalry's
got a mandate
to settle Indian matters.
Leaves us to protect
the Texan way.
It's our home, Rangers
and we got right
on our side.
Ain't no outlaw
stands a fighting chance!
Back up, recruit!
This ain't no
goddamn pony ride.
Who you calling recruit?
you're a Browusville sign-up.
I seen you. I been a Ranger
since Franklin.
That's a week and two days.
I know about life on the trail.
One more week, you'll be
eligible for retirement.
Watch it, recruit.
I'll shoot that lip off
at 40 paces.
Name's Berry.
Berry Smith.
Berry? Like blueberry?