Sam, I'll bet you I can draw
faster than you can say
just say it.
I'm fast, I'm fast
--I'm fast!
--So fast you're six feet under.
Missed that target
every time, Mr. Durham.
gun's no good unless
you got smarts with it.
Yes, sir, Captain.
Frank, from now on
Mr. Durham pays
for his ammunition.
A penny a miss.
Yes, sir, Captain.
I'm telling you,
General Cortinas
the Republic of Texas
is there for the taking.
What you're suggesting
is full-scale war.
The union Army's up north,
fighting the Indians.
Hell, there ain't no law
south of Austin.
We heard McNelly's
been commissioned
to start up the Rangers.
McNelly's got 30 men,
General, 30.
We'd have an army.
For the next shipment, senor...
we will meet you.
--Damn, Dunnison.
Ain't there anything
you're good at?
I'd love to show you, Scipio,
but I don't think
we'll be meeting any women
along the way.
Dunnison, you rope
yourself a woman
I'll drink the Rio Grande.
you want something, Sam?
When you're wri-wri-writing