Rest assured, Miss,
we didn't go down
without a fight.
I killed two raiders
myself at close range.
I may have killed a couple
more in the charge.
What were their names?
you had warrants for them,
I trust.
Well, the raiders opened
fire on us, Miss.
There wasn't time to
consult the warrants.
Well, it's just as well.
you know a man's name,
makes it harder
to kill him,
now, doesn't it?
They're outlaws, Miss.
We're Rangers.
When you kill a man
for stealing some cattle
you are saying that his life
is worth as much as that steer.
Leaves you a whole state
full of men thinking that way
and treating other men
the same.
We ride to protect
the state of Texas.
you ride to balance
the blood on the scales.
but some of you--
like your friend--
I look into his eyes,
and I can see it clear.
He's no killer.
George? you looked in his eyes?
you talking to her?
I got nowhere,
She likes
Sergeant, what's going on?
Training exercises,
it looks like.
Who organized this?
Philadelphia did.
about damn time.
State'll pay you $40 a mouth.
Four men to a dab.
Seven dabs to a company.
you get your pay
from Sergeant Armstrong.
you get your orders from me.