You need a high-potency,
high-mineral, mega-amino...
...bodybuilding supplement.
Nothing legally will give you that,
except Badger Milk.
A badger can lift 20 times its
body weight. Can you do that?
Our potent supplement is made up
of 25% real badger milk.
If you call now, you'll get...
... two cartons of Badger Milk
for the price of one.
Check out the pecs on Yolanda.
That is pure badger milk.
-Could you cover for me a minute?
-No problem.
Everyone else is down
at the softball game.
There's a softball game today?
Freeze, puke! Put down that VCR!
Put it down!
Oh, you bought it, did you?
Oh, you have a receipt, do you?
My mistake.
I'm new on the force.