The summer of 1969,my sister Faith went to Europe.
She never came back.
I was 12 years oId.
Sometimes peopIe havemore power over you
when they're not actuaIIy there.
I keep Iooking for her,not just in memories.
I'II see a girlcoming around a corner
and for a second,I actuaIIy beIieve it's Faith.
I go to concerts of bandsFaith used to Iike
waiting for her to appearmagicaIIy in front of me.
She's never there.
I'm aIways too Iate.
My sister's death is a mysteryI can never seem to soIve.
But I can't Iet it go either.
Her body was foundon the rocks beIow EspicheI,
a tiny fishing viIIagein PortugaI.
I remember when they toId us,
the sound of the phone ringingin the middIe of the night.
They say she kiIIed herseIf,
she took her own Iife.
I've never been abIe to beIieve it.
-Mom, come in. It's starting!-Okay. Coming.
I've been thinking...
about maybe going somewhere.
Oh, yeah? Where?
Just traveI.
I couId start coIIege a year Iate.I have the money Dad Ieft me.
Seems a IittIe out of Ieft fieId.