Free speech and all that.
- Okay, then.
- No, not okay.
It's too late, Colonel.
- It's too late for what?
- For your offer.
The men don't want to salute.
They don't want to use rank.
They don't want better food.
They don't want more TV.
They just want your resignation.
So do I.
- My resignation?
- You're a disgrace, Colonel.
A disgrace to the uniform.
You should not be allowed
to retain your command.
Well, then I'd better go pack.
[ Chuckles ]
- I think you should.
- Oh?
Tell me, Mr. Irwin,
what's to stop me from just...
placing you in the hole...
for, say, six months?
If that's the way
you want to win.
[ Peretz ]
Sir, if I can make a suggestion,
- maybe we should
isolate prisoner Irwin--
- Get me General Wheeler.
[Inmates Shouting]
Yes, sir.
[Winter] Two weeks ago,
I watched as he marched
a man up and down the yard.
A minor eccentricity. Fine.
Since then,
he's been acting as though...
he still has a command
in some fantasy army.
- And yesterday--
- I don't think you'd
want to make general.
Now, you wouldn't want to give up
all these perks, would you?
[ Laughs ]
Sorry. Go on.
Yesterday, Mr. Irwin...
told me he required
my resignation.
Frankly, I think he's
started to lose the plot.