Selected marksman, open fire.
Open fire on that man!
That's an order!
What are they--
What are they doing?
What are you doing?
Do it now! Open fire!
Do not let him desecrate that flag!
Open fire on that man!
What are they doing?
- McLaren, Niebolt, with me!
- Niebolt, stay where you are.
Don't you defy me.
Don't you see what he's doing?
He's undermining my command!
Don't you see?
Don't you see what he's doing?
Dont you see
what he's doing?
Step away from the flag!
Step away from the flag!
[ Gunshots ]
Colonel, put the gun down, sir.
- [Peretz] Please. Please,
Colonel, put the gun down.
- [ Gasps ]
Sir, it's over now.
Just give it to me.