"Six days upriver, we enter territory
where native tribes are beyond the reach
"even of Christian missionaries.
"We have been joined in our endeavours
by Miss Agnes Cluny,
"the Reverend Theo Kerr's niece.
"Her reasons for taking part
in our expedition are not altogether clear.
"Our readers may be interested to know
she has adapted to the rigours of jungle life
"by wearing trousers at all times,
even at dinner!
"Professor Challenger is in his element.
"Nothing will divert his single-minded
determination to achieve our goal,
"not even 'amahuaca cannibals',
as he casually named them.
"Fortunately, they don't seem
TOO interested in us... yet."
- You suck the insect into the bag.
- I know how to use it, thank you.
Really? I thought you might have forgotten.
It's been a long time
since you've done any REAL science!
(CHALLENGER) Is there coffee in that pot?
- Yes.
- Jolly good.
Thank you.
"A hundred miles upstream from the mission,
we find the secret tributary
"along which Professor Challenger
returned on his previous journey.
"His 'private gate into the unknown',
as he called it.