The Lost World

- What?
- Really? Where?

It MUST have been a vulture.
Since when do vultures snatch roasting pigs
from spits? It was a pterosaur, damn it!

The Amazon vulture is a VERY big bird,
and in the dark...

Will you deny the evidence
of your own eyes?

It was reptilian.
It didn't have a bloody feather on it!

(SUMMERLEE) This is absurd! We've
walked nearly halfway round this plateau.

Our supplies are getting dangerously low.
And just look at these cliffs!
There's no way up.

I will NOT be dragged around any further
on this wild-goose chase!

Professor Summerlee is right.
Our supplies are very low.

We should go back while we can.
"Just as the rigours of the expedition
were taking their toll,

"Professor Challenger spotted
what seemed to be a route to the summit.

"Though weak from hunger and exhaustion,
we applied ourselves to the ascent."

(ROXTON) Well done, professors.
Not much further.

Come on, Edward.
