The Majestic

-Those men took them.
-What men? Those pages aren’t ready.

Pete, I’m not even supposed
to be talking to you.

They say you attended those meetings
while in college.

Who’s they?
Congress, FBI, Red Channels.
It doesn’t matter.

They know who they are,
that’s enough. Answer the question.

Meetings, meetings.
How the hell should I know?

It was a long time ago.
I went to college on the G.I. Bill.

The Bread Instead of Bullets Club.
They were Communists?
What do I know?

I couldn’t figure out
what they were saying.

-Why did you go, Peter?
-There was this girl.

You consorted with Communists
for a girl?

I went to poetry readings too.
That doesn’t make me Carl Sandburg.

Leo, you know me. I’m non-political.
Republicans, Democrats, Communists.
They all look alike to me.

As legal counsel for this studio...
...I strongly advise you
to watch what you say.

Leo, put your agent hat on.
-There must be an angle you can work.
-I’m out of angles.

We’re in the middle of negotiating
my new contract.

The studio suspended
negotiations this morning.

I’ve been blacklisted?
I’ve been goddamn blacklisted?

-There is no blacklist.
-Right. No blacklist.

Studio just doesn’t wanna know you
with this hanging over your head.

I can’t leave.
We’re shooting in three weeks.

Ashes to Ashes has been pulled.
-You believe it?
-I’m sorry, Peter.
