-Theyve been on with their lawyers.
They hate to admit it, but youre
not the top Commie spy they thought.
-Gee, theres a relief.
-Hey, a breaks a break.
Theyre anxious to save face
after the big stink they made...
...which means they might be
in a mood to compromise.
The studio lawyers had this drawn up.
"I, Peter Appleton, by way of purging
myself of my indiscretions...
...renounce my membership
in the Communist Party...
...and provide the names
of fellow members...
...that those persons may have the
opportunity to do as I have done."
Boilerplate, kid.
They even provided the list of names.
-I dont know any of these people.
-Doesnt matter. Theyre already named.
All you do is show up,
read the statement, salute the flag.
-I wont be a Communist anymore?
-Thats it.
-Does it matter that I never was one?
-Dont split hairs. This is a game.
But its their game.
You play by their rules,
or theyll destroy you.
I thought this was a democracy.
The Declaration of Independence?
The Constitution?
Just pieces of paper
with signatures on them.
And you know what a
signed paper is? A contract.
Something that can be
renegotiated at any time.
Just so happens HUAC is renegotiating
the contract this time around.
Next time itll be somebody else,
but itll always be somebody.
You want your life back?
Read the statement.
Ill see you at the station, kid,
bright and early.