The Majestic

...if he were standing here right now.
I think he’d probably tell you...
...the America represented
in this room...

:54:17 not the America
he died defending.

I think he’d say your America
is bitter...

...and cruel and small.
Come to order!
I know his America was big.
Bigger than you can imagine!

With a wide-open heart!
Where every person has a voice!

Even if you don’t like
what they say--

Enough! You are out of order!
If he were here,
I wonder how you’d respond...

...if you could explain to him
what happened to his America.

You are skating
on the edge of contempt!

That’s the first thing
I’ve heard today that I agree with!

My client is clearly under
an enormous strain as a result...

...of the questioning of Mr. Clyde.
He’s not responsible for his comments.

-We wish to invoke the 5th Amendment.
-No, we don’t.

-We do.
-No, we don’t, so knock it off!

Shut up and let me get through this.
The 5th Amendment is off the table.

But there is another Amendment
I’d like to invoke.

I wonder if anyone here
is familiar with it.

"Congress shall make no law respecting
an establishment of religion."

You’re out of order!
"Shall make no law...
-My chamber will come to order!

"An establishment of religion...
...or prohibiting
free exercise thereof...

...or abridging freedom of speech,
or of the press...

....or of the right to petition
for a redress of grievances."
