You're goin' on a fucking trip.
The town's called San Miguel.
You look for a kid
in a bar,the El Alamo.
This is a simple fuckingt ask.
You write it down.
Roll up your sleeves,
for Christ's sake.i
-Get involved!
The kid's name is Beck.
He's got this particular gun,
and he's waiting on you.
- Beck. Gun.
- When you find him,
bring him and the gun
back Stateside to me--got it?
Last chance.
I'm telling you,the last.
Even he's getting tired of your shit.
He told me so.
l'll take care of it,
Vaya con Dios, mother fucker.
You're in coach.
Baby,what are you doing?
You said this was
your last job,Jerry!
What do you want me to say?
""I'm sorry I can't facilitate
that request.
The old lady wants me
to quit. Fuck off."" Huh?
Yes! Something like that!
Like exactly!
I'm not in insurance,
You get on that plane,
you will never, never,
ever see me again.
You got me?We talked about this.
l told you...
I wanted us to go
to Las Vegas for me.
- Not you, no. Me.
- Baby,you're over reacting. Okay?
Don't do that! Don't you do that!
Don't diminish my needs!
Sweet heart, I don't have a choice.
I gotta go.
-l go down there.
l come right back.
- ""I, I, I, I, I!""
- I wonder what the group
would have to say about that.
- No!
You cannot use that against me!
We are not even technically
married yet, but I go, don't I?
Yes. The whole group
thinks we're married.
I accepted the potato slicer
graciously for our anniversary.
Right, sweets?
I go along.
That's it.That is it.
You--You--You go along!
You don't want to get married
to me, and this is the way
that you're dealing with it.i
Huh?You're back to
the same old selfish,
- disgustingself.
-Oh, God.You are--
You're missing the grand design here.i
lfl don't go, l'm dead.