The Mexican


Um, um--

-Can you--
Can you stop the car? Please.

- I'm gonna be sick.
-Just open up--

I'm not good in cars.
- Tires Squealing
- Truck Horn Honking

She told me, ""Don't go.
I don't want you on that
highway alone, by yourself.""

I said, ""It'll be fine, Mom.
It will be okay.""
But it's not, is it?

- I'm dead.
-Well,you're not dead.

You would have been dead
if I hadn't saved your life.

Would you rather
it was you back there?

l didn't think so.
Are you gonna kill me?
Depends on too many variables
to answer right now.

Are you gonna rape me?
That's not likely, no.
Well, geez,
what do you want?

I suspect the same thing
as that guy back there.

The pistol.
The pistol that Jerry's havin'
a hard time coming back from
Mexico with all of a sudden.

- I work for Bernie Nayman,

who works for
Arnold Margolese.

-Now, you heard of these people.
-Yeah, I've heard of them.

-Then you know your husband
Jerry works for them.
- No.

-Well, he does.
- I know the selfish, no-good,
prick liar works for them.

He isn't my husband.
Well,whatever he is to you,
Jerry is in the shit books.
