Phone Ringing]
It's ringing, senor.
Thank you for that.
No, no, no.
No necesario.
That's so kind.
You have no idea what I've--
- On Phone Hi,this is Ted.
Leave a message.
-Thank you. Gracias, man.
If this is my guy in need,
I'm on my way. Find your way
to the Hotel de la Plaza.
Wait for me there.
Okay? Sit tight.
Okay, okay.
Forget aeropuerto.
Uh, Hotel de la Plaza.
Dog Barking]
- Muttering In Spanish
- Is this your dog?
-Sort of.
Came along for the ride.
He does have a personality,
and that certainly counts.
- He's a good guy.
- Is this your car?
It's a rental.
I'm an American.
- No shit? Really?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Well, I am Mexican.
Do you have
a passport?
Jerry ""Well-batch,""
Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Can I ask you
a question,Jerry?
How long have you been
here in Mexico?
A few days.
I see. Pleasure, huh?
- I see. Can you tell me,
uh,what happened here?
That's not accurate,
l'm afraid.
The gunsmith did craft this pistol
for a prospective husband,
and he was
a nobleman's son,true.
But the motif was darker,
my friend.
lt's cursed, this gun.