There'll be a big hole
for all of you to fall into.
I'll be digging that hole
every minute I'm here.
- The deeper I dig, the deeper you will fall.
- He's a dick!
No amount of insane
or pathetic behavior will protect you.
No matter how despicable you act, I can do
one better, because I work for the government.
- I thought you were my dentist.
- See, I only want one thing, just one.
And if you can enlighten me...
...everything will be just dandy.
And I will spare what is left
of your miserable lives.
Are you with me so far?
Go back to Washington, Franken-dick!
Good. We're in accord. I'm glad.
Eloise Ashe? Stop there, Miss, please.
I need to talk to you, Miss.
Tom Tom!
I have a couple of questions.
It may sound strange, but...
other than the time my mother
came down to visit me and...
said she thought
I turned out all right...
...lying next to Eloise...
...in the same situation together...
...that was the best moment of my life.
And if you think about it, it was all
thanks to Special Agent Skinner.
Miss Brooks, Miss Brooks.
Hey, now, hold it right there.
But not everyone was as thankful as I was.
Skinner had finally scared everybody.
So the next morning we all
got together to make a plan.
And what a day.
All our lives were about to be connected
by a crumpled little piece of paper.
It was an I.O.U. From Izzy to Geronimo.
It said Geronimo could have
everything Izzy owned
to pay him back
for always paying the rent.
It was worthless
before Izzy died and became famous.