The Million Dollar Hotel

But we have to figure this one out now.
Now take the ballots, pass them around.

We have to vote. Either we go
for this fucking plan or not.

We gotta decide.
We're living in this beautiful country
of the United States of America,

so everybody gets to vote.
You have two letters
on all these pieces of paper, right?

There's a "Y" and an "N". The "Y" stands
for why, and the "N" stands for why not.

But talk about exciting.
It was like those old men in the wigs
that Izzy told me about

who got together,
signed a letter and made America.

That was a long shot, too.
And look what happened.

The world was spinning fast that night.
I just hoped I could
hold on and be part of it.

I tell you to tread lightly,
and you flood the place.

I warned you about the media.
It's already a carnival.

Now it turns out these bums
even own my son's paintings.
