The Million Dollar Hotel

# And she teach me how to sing.
Mã învaþã sã cânt.

# Shows me colours when there's none to see,
Îmi aratã culori când nu mai pot vedea nici una,

# Gives me hope when I can't believe
Îmi dã speranþã când nu mai pot sã cred

# That for the first time
Cãci pentru prima datã

# I feel love
Simt dragoste.

# I have a brother,
Am un frate,

# Well, I'm a brother in need.
Da, un frate în nevoi.

# I spend my whole time running,
Îmi petrec tot timpul fugind,

# He spends his runnin' after me
El ºi-l petrece fugind dupã mine.

# I feel myself goin' down,
Când mã simt cãzând,

# I just call and he comes around
Doar îl strig ºi el apare,

# But for the first time
Dar pentru prima datã

# I feel love.
Simt dragoste.

# My father is a rich man,
Tatãl meu este un om bogat,

# He wears a rich man's cloak
Poartã haine scumpe,

# Gave me the keys to his kingdom comin'
Mi-a dat cheile regatului sãu,

# Gave me a cup of gold
Mi-a dat un pahar de aur.

# He said, "I have many mansions
Mi-a zis, "Am multe case

# "And there are many rooms to see."
ªi sunt multe camere de vãzut."

# But I left by the back door
Dar am fugit pe uºa din spate
