Not here.
I've heard otherwise.
You've heard wrong.
Not only a thief,
but also a liar.
[ Screams ]
I'm so sorry,
little D'Artagnan.
Planchet will take
care ofyou.
I do not hope to replace
your parents. No one can.
I would like to help you
in becoming a man.
It's a rather
I will be your guide.
I want you to teach me
to become a Musketeer,
like you taught my father.
I will find that man
and kill him.
Listen to me, D'Artagnan.
Listen to me carefully.
I didn't teach
your father how to kill.
I taught him how to live.
I don't understand.
That's because you're a boy.
You have always
had your father in you.
I can see it in your eyes.
You will become a Musketeer.
A great one.
it will not happen quickly,
and it will only happen
ifyou listen.
Ifyou teach me,
I will listen.