You wanted to see me?
I am your humble servant,
I've heard about you,
Monsieur D'Artagnan,
and nothing I've heard
suggests you're humble.
Monsieur Rochefort
will not bejoining us.
Who are you,
Where areyou from?
What do you want?
I even want to know
your philosophical
and political leanings.
I don't have any.
You'dbest acquiresome quickly,
ifyou're to survive in Paris.
Is that why
you wish to see me,
to pass along advice?
Fires are erupting
all over France.
Last night, for example.
I'm sure you'll be glad to know
that I subdued the peasants
without further incident.
And how did you deal with
the ones who were not peasants?
You confuse me.
The men I confronted
were well-armed
and fought like swordsmen.
Even swordsmen can be poor.
Do you know why France
has come to this?
The King, poor man,
is weak.
The Queen is manipulative.
The Spanish and the English
are opportunistic.
The Protestants are divisive.
The noblesarescared
andthepeasantsare impatient.
Well, I thought they were
just cold and hungry.
Ifthat were so, we could
just give them hot soup
and be done with it.
Understand me.
There will be
a shift in power,
and with that,
a shift in wealth.
Those who do notjoin me
will be against me.
They will be swept away
with the King. That includes
your friends, the Musketeers.
I will be sure to tell them.
I'm counting on that.