You'll be all right, man.
- You guys take care of him now.
- Yes, sir.
Gabe? Hey, T. K.
How is he?
External injuries mostly.
EMT said he's seen a lot worse.
You gave us a bigger scare
just leaving the hospital like that.
Your man went deep tonight, T. K.
Don't know how he made it up that wall.
I wouldn't be here if you guys
didn't make it up right behind me.
We never made it up that wall.
I didn't make it out
of the goddamn parking lot.
Backup unit reported you down.
We continued pursuit, unsuccessful.
Only you got a good look at the suspect.
We need a description.
Think it's someone out of Ronnie's posse?
Payback for snitching?
It was dark.
You have anything? Anything to go on?
If you remember anything,
we'll be down the hall.
Hey, man, I'm glad you're still with us.
Why did you lie to them?
It was dark.
Gabe, it's not the guys. It's me.