She wants your father to be carried back.
What do you mean?
It's an oId tradition.
We'II carry him on the road home...
...so your father won't forget his way.
It's a superstition.
And she wants to waIk with us.
-So, Iet's do it.
-We want to do it.
He was our viIIage teacher.
Everyone respects him.
But our young peopIe
have aII Ieft for the city.
They've gone away to work.
OnIy oId peopIe and chiIdren are Ieft.
Due to this circumstance,
we are pIanning...
...to bring your father back by tractor.
It'II take onIy haIf a day.
We wouId Iike you
to persuade your mother.
Thank you for your concern.
-I wiII taIk it over with her.
Where is she?
ProbabIy at the schooIhouse.
She's been there every day since he died.
She just sits there
and doesn't Iisten to anyone.
She goes there whenever she has time.
-Is she okay?
-I think so.
I am onIy afraid--
-Is it the oId schooIhouse?
I'II go to see her.
It's so coId. Let's go home, okay?
Your father passed away.
Let's go home, Mother.
We can never see him again.