This is our new teacher.
His name is Luo, Luo Changyu.
-Is that Di? What's aII the racket for?
I heard they aII went
to see the teacher this morning.
-Has he arrived yet?
Great. Our viIIage finaIIy got
its own teacher.
-What does he Iook Iike?
-He's a young man.
A young man can teach?
He must be taIented.
-Where is he staying?
-The viIIage counciI office.
Good. There is a heated bed
in the counciI office.
Where wiII he eat?
He'II eat with a different famiIy each day.
When it's our turn,
we shouId make a good meaI.
Di, what are you doing?
Why did you change into new cIothes
just to see the teacher?