Boss, hi.
- Jean-Claude.
- So, the trip was good?
- So, how are we doing?
- Great.
We have many reservations
for tonight.
Good. How many covers
did we have last night?
- Over 150.
- Good.
- Bar was steady.
- How was the music?
- Great band.
- Good. Good.
Scotch on the rocks, please,
little water.
Yeah, sure.
Monsieur Max.
Where-- Where Nicky?
Voila. Back from Bermuda.
Did you have a good trip?
Well, not as interesting
as yours, I'm sure.
My God!
Let me get a look at you.
You look like shit.
What's your secret?
set up number two for us.
Yeah, sure.
Just give us a little room.
Thank you.
For sure.
There we are.
Oh, God.
- It was pretty tight out there.
- Good. It'll keep you sharp.
I got a minor development.
- We lost the buyer.
- What do you mean, "lost"?