Hi, Doug. Hi.
- Hi, Henri.
- Hi, Brian.
- Okay. Thank you.
- No problem.
- Hi, Danny.
- Hello, Brian.
Oh, look at you.
What fancy new shoes.
Yeah. Yeah, my mom
got those for me.
- Oh, your mom gave you those?
- I think you got a girl.
No girl, Danny.
You're a stinker.
Well, you and your new shoes can
give me a hand up on six tonight.
We're gonna wax
the whole cafeteria floor.
You hit the garbage.
I'll get the stuff.
I'll meet you there,
what, 1 5 minutes.
Fifteen. Okay.
Okay, I'll get the garbage, Danny.
Okay? Bye-bye, Andre.
You look good with those shoes.
Yeah, thanks. I know.
Watch your step out there, Brian.
I will. Thank you.