The Shipping News

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I built a Chinese junk.
Sailed it up from Brazil.
Unfortunately, I missed
Manhattan by a mile or two

and got stranded here when I
shipwrecked by Gaze Island.

I've almost finished
my repairs.

I'll be sailing
away soon.

She's ugly, and...
the only thing
I've ever loved.

(mock weeping)
Eh, your story tugs
at me bladder.

Excuse me.
Um, what is it
between those two?

First thing:
you'll have to understand
about the curse.

Jack Buggit's father,
his grandfather

his great-grandfather
all died at sea.

Second thing:
Jack is... sensitive.

Especially about the sea.
It's what they call
people around here

who, um, "know" things.
So, Dennis is
forbidden the sea.

But being free
Newfie and 21, he goes, anyway.
What? And that's

Death storm.
A massive wave cracks
her steel hull amidships

a one-inch crack
from starboard to port.

Men go in the water.
Dennis is lost.

After about a week
they come to Jack and tell him
the search is to be called off.

Jack stands like a stone.
Then he turns-- quick,
the way he does-- and says...

"He's alive...
and I know where."
So, off he goes,
out to sea

on his own,
in just a skiff

and finds Dennis.
Can you imagine
the odds?

Finds him.
Finds him.
