(man shouting indistinctly)
Go get the aspirin now!
Oh, shut up!
I had as much to drink
last night as you did!
Excuse me.
Do I know you?
I'm a... I-I work
for the local paper.
I do the-the
"Shipping News."
I was just...
Is this your boat?
That's a boat.
This is aBotterjacht.
She was built for Hitler.
He was the original owner.
I-I just wanted to ask you
a-a couple of questions.
The finestBotterjacht
ever built in Holland.
Tell him what happened
in Hurricane Bob.
And she's incredibly heavy.
40 tons of solid oak.
Tell him!
She broke free of her moorings
and pounded six boats--
expensive ones-- to rubble.
Now tell him who let
our insurance lapse.
Oh, it took six
veryexpensive lawyers
to weasel us out of it.
Jesus! An inch
from bankruptcy.
Moral of the story?
When you marry a tour guide
confine his authority
to mixing the drinks.
Did I come at a bad time?
Yeah. Ten years ago
would've been better.
(windshield wipers
squeaking dully)
Wife Fires Artillery
on Hitler's Boat.