This, uh, Hitler boat...
you assign it?
Nope, sir.
It wasn't my idea.
Get me Quoyle.
Quoyle... he wants you.
Mr. Buggit, it was what you said
to me in the...
Have a seat.
I got four phone calls
last night
about the Hitler boat--
People enjoyed it.
Mrs. Buggit liked it.
Of course,
you don't know
nothing about boats,
but that's entertaining, too.
So, listen here, me old son,
I'm giving you a weekly column.
A story about a different boat
every week.
Human stuff.
Who owned the boat,
who lived and died on her
who drowned
who was saved,
who lost his fortune
who had
his heart broke.
You follow?
Order this boy
a new computer.
And buy him a real one,
not one of them Japan clones.
You got that?
Oh, Mr. Buggit
I-I-I don't know what to say.
Did I
not tell you?
My name is Jack.
IBM, please.
Get back to your
work, Quoyle.
I... B... M.
(stifled snickers)