(men yelling)
(men shouting indistinctly)
Pull, pull!
(shouting angrily)
(drums stop)
Show me that necklace.
See, if you make
the loops bigger
you don't have
to make so many.
Good morning.
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Where's that chair from?
Excuse me?
The chair
that you're sitting in.
Where's it from;
where'd you get it?
It's not from
around here, right?
It's foreign,
it's exotic.
I don't want pirate's loot
in this home.
Billy Pretty told me
all about it.
It's a good thing
somebody finally did.
I don't believe in dwelling
in the past.
No? Then what
are we doing here?
Making a future.
Well, well, well
if it ain't the second coming
of the Quoyles.
Taking a long
and hearty meal break
I can't help but noticing.
Hope you've got a good idea
for your next story, Quoyle.
I'd hate for Jack to think
that it was just
beginner's luck.
Let the man digest, Tert.
Mind you,
if I was the esteemed author
of the "Shipping News" column
I'd pick up
the McGonigle oil field story.