It'll keep you going.
When someone hurts you
that much...
how do you...?
Does it ever go away?
Is it possible?
(sits mug on table)
Her name was Irene.
The love of my life.
You look happy.
So, yeah, it is possible.
Agnis tells me we got to move
for the winter.
It'll be a three-hour drive
from here to the Point.
All the ice...
Me and Bunny,
we're going to
have to find
a room in town somewhere.
I'll have the usual,
please, Annie. Thank you.
Well, if it's a place
to stay you need
you can have
my trailer.
Timing's perfect.
What are you talking about?
My boat's ready.
If I stay here
any longer
I might begin
to like the place.
I'm throwing myself
a farewell party on Saturday.
Departure to
follow Sunday.