Bit on the poky side's fine with me.
We thought you'd be out
and about a lot.
Here we are.
What are you listening to?
The sea.
Bloody thing's been sitting in
the warehouse all its life.
Stuck on one combo.
Tumblers all shot.
Are you quite sure that it
was locked in the first place?
l'm staying at the Gamboa Rain Forest
Resort till the apartment's ready.
Come out on Sunday.
Spot of lunch. Swim in the lake.
See how it goes.
l think l'm busy on Sunday.
You're right.
lt was open.
Just tight from lack of use.
The ambassador's asked me
to brief you...
...in case there's anything you
don't already know.
Noriega formed these so-called
''Dignity Battalions.''
They were to beat the dignity out of
anyone remotely critical of Noriega.
lt was Dr. Frankenstein,
George Bush...