Doesn't matter what l think.
lt plays.
First installments:
Abraxas and Marta.
-Payment on results, Harry.
And the farm as such, Andy?
Looking good.
Oh, look at those tits.
You want to pay off the debt?
With what?
Let's say l won the lottery, Ramon.
And l want to buy your farm from you.
What do you mean,
you want to buy my farm?
l don't have no farm.
Oh, yes, you do, Ramon.
l know all about it.
You won the lottery, you can
pay me $3000 an acre.
Two. You'll be paid
direct from Europe.
l've made the necessary arrangements.
You won't mind if l deduct
your tailoring bill?
lt has a bad smell.
That would be the fish.
l'll pay you back.
l'm going to straighten out.
Just don't resent me
for doing you a favor.
Harry, this is Panama, where no
good deed goes unpunished.