And I've got
some sore balls.
Hurry up,
my boss is here.
I've been riding all day, man.
All the way
from Humboldt County.
- On that load, motherfucker?
- Yeah.
Check it out, bro'.
Okay, listen.
I'm not selling weed,
you dig?
But I can sell you the bong.
And the weed's free.
- All right.
- That way I'm not dealing.
- Cool.
- Okay.
Okay, now... here.
That's haIf a pound.
And I got--
this is for
a quarter of an ounce.
No, that's an ounce.
No that's a quarter,
that's an ounce.
This is a quarter, okay?
I've got some really dynamite--
oh here it is.
Dynamite, huh?
Check it out. This shit
will knock you on your ass.
Oh, shit!
- That's what I'm talking about.
- Hey, that ain't nothing.
- Look at this.
- That little shit?
This will knock you on your ass.
This is from South Africa.
It's Durban Poison.
It's the weirdest shit.
It's like psychedelic.
I smoked it two days ago.
I've been riding the scooter
since Humboldt County.
That smoke will get you
all wired up.
It's the greatest stuff
I've ever smoked.
And it's just pure smoke. I can let
you have everything for five grand.
I ain't got
no motherfuckin' $5,000.
Come on, look at you.
You're rich. Come on,
five grand, that's cheap.
Check it out. I've got four or
five hundred I can spend with you.
Okay, you can have
it all for $500. Except this.
- Let me get that too.
- No, I can't let you have it.
I need to drive home.
I'lI need this.
Cool. All right.
Done dizzle, manizzle.
I'll meet you out front
in two minutes.