- We gonna pay the rent.
- When?
In two days, nigga.
In two days,
you'll get your water back on.
- Hello?
- Forget about it.
- He's already hung up.
- Bitch!
Baby, I got to pee.
- I don't care if it flushes or not.
- Oh yes, you do.
You can't go in there.
That shit's ugly.
I'm gonna bust a bag
holding it for so long.
I'm sick of this shit.
What are we gonna do about it?
We still got
a couple of days, right?
I got my half
of the rent right now.
Why don't you pay that shit
since you're ballin' so tough?
"I look like
""Boo-boo the Fool""?"
- You said we got a couple of days.
- Yeah.
We got a couple of days, then.
Grab your shit.
We're going to your spot.
Gonna get the shit cozy.
Look at them roaches, dog.
Oh, it's like that, huh?
Good morning, asshole.
Wanted to start your day
by saying fuck you, asshole!
This prank's going
too goddamn far!
He's a good worker.
The boy's got potential.
What the--
What the hell?
I know damn well.
You know what
irritates me the most?
Somebody standing over my shoulder
when I'm trying to work.