We have a treat today.
A body was found, "decolopolated."
Hey, hey. "Decapitated."
Find a healthier hobby.
Leave me alone. I'm recording!
Good morning, everybody.
Something smells interesting.
They found a headless guy
behind Dunkin' Donuts.
I love Dunkin' Donuts.
- Shit!
- Kathy.
Why not let Maggie make breakfast?
That's why we hired her.
Have you tasted her cooking?
- Just that once.
- Hey, I heard that!
- I cook better than you.
- We have to try to get along.
Tell Kathy that keeping
a record of death is healthy.
Keeping a record of deaths is healthy.
- She's being a little slut about it.
- Don't call your sister a slut.
- Thank you.
- I prefer the term "bitch."
Sluts have loose sex...
Did you do your homework?
Because Mr. Peterson told me...
Damn it, Bobby!
I've tripped on that three times!
- Sorry.
- We need a bigger place.
We don't have a big place anymore.
This is the best I can do for now.
So let's try and keep our shit
off the floor.
Now put away the damn tape recorder
and get ready for school.
I'm sorry, Dad.
- Must be the lawyer. I forgot.
- What lawyer?
- Isn't our credit cleaned up?
- It's not about that.
They won't make us move again,
will they?
It's all right. We'll deal with it.
- Mr. Kriticos?
- Yes. You're...?
- Ben Moss. How do you do?
- Please come in.
- Is now a good time, or...?
- Good a time as any.