Let's go back to the ghost thingy.
There are ghosts in the basement.
You can look for yourself.
I can't see any ghosts.
What the hell? Give me those.
Let me see. Why are these open?
I was down here before.
They weren't open.
- God! I hate it when they do that!
- Do what?
They wait till you put your face
to the glass, then give you...
...a big, fat "boo!"
Don't do that!
See it?
- It's, it's...
- A ghost!
Just like I've been saying all night!
Finally, a believer!
Ghosts are always around us.
Most can't hurt us.
Most don't want to. Ghosts here,
ghosts there, no one cares.
There are exceptions, like this guy.
Those who die violently
remain tortured.
- That's all they know.
- What's he doing?
I don't know. I can't see.
I don't have the glasses.
I've had it with this.
It's time to go.
- Now! Please.
- Don't touch me.
Will you come on?!
Come on, ghost boy! Move your ass!
Dad, slow down. We're gonna get lost.