America first fell in lovewith Eddie Thomas and Gwen Harrison...
...in the box-office smashAutumn with Greg and Peg.
They had the most celebratedmarriage in Hollywood.
Who could forget how they hitone out of the park...
...in Requiem for an Outfielder?
You can't die, Mike. You can't.
Because l love you.
Justice never tasted so sweet...
...as in The Bench.
l didn't do it. l'm innocent.Why won't anyone believe me?
-l object!-You're out of order!
No, you're out of order!
l object to the way my clienthas been treated.
l object that l've letmy professional judgment...
...become cloudedby my feelings for her.
l object to the way the room spinswhen she walks in.
l object, Your Honor,because l love this woman.
Theirlove opened our eyes...
...in Sasha and the Optometrist.
Read from the top line, Sasha.