What the heII is going on?
Everybody's waiting out there.
What is up with you?
HoIy Mary...
...Mother of God.
You boys must reaIIy Iike weddings.
Get out there. Everybody's waiting.
Don't move.
Here we go, here we go.
You may aII be seated.
-Turn around.
-We can't.
Here we go.
Don't they Iook handsome
in their tuxedos?
I cannot beIieve that Max actuaIIy
went through with it.
It's a goddamn shame.
I am hereby dedicating myseIf to
a Iife as a professionaI tomcat.
ProfessionaI tomcat, right on.
Yeah, man. Forget marriage.
I'II naiI every woman
on the pIanet.
Every one?
Except my mother and grandmother.
First of aII, your mom is hot.