
SecondIy, you reaIize there are...
...two and a haIf biIIion femaIes
on Earth.

-Are you saying it can't be done?
-No. But we got to divide them up.

I'II never get married. Ever.
You're aImost married as it is.
KeIIy runs your Iife.

She does not!
You've got five minutes.
Thank you.
You'II be the next to go.
PIease. We aII know who'II be next.
Steve dog!
I don't even have a girIfriend.
You're going down, buddy.
What? Why?
Because, Iike Max, the first girI that
Iets you get with her, you'II marry.

You want to bet?
ActuaIIy bet? ReaIIy bet for money?
Yeah. Let's say the Iast singIe man
gets a thousand bucks...

...from the rest of you who end up
getting married.

Six grand's a Iot of money.
No, no. If we're going to do this,
we do it right. Okay?

Each of us puts two hundred doIIars
a year away in savings.

No, no, no. High-yieId mutuaI fund.
AII right, the Iast man standing at
the end, gets the whoIe pot.

I'm taIking 1 0, 20 grand!
That's a Iot of money.
Yeah. And you're out if you go gay,

Hey, bIow me.
AII right, Gary's out.
I'm in. Tomcats' bet.
Let's get in here.

Come on, get in here!
I'm going to invest some money, okay?
Tomcats! Tomcats!
You guys are going to pay me so bad!
I don't ever want to get married.
I don't!

I do.
By the power vested in me...
:08:55 AIIah and the state of

...I now pronounce you...
