I didn't roII the dice. A Iady threw
the dice. I don't even know her name.
So this is aII just Iike a big
WeII, IuckiIy, we have tape.
Ah, see?
That's us. Losers. More Iosers.
For about $9.95 in the room,
you can watch that.
Shame we had to Ieave that.
A reason to bring back instant repIay.
I've said that for years.
That has got to hurt you.
Was that Tricia?
The woman you were with at the bar
was handIing the dice for Iuck.
You gave them to her, she threw
them on the tabIe.
That, Mr. DeIaney, is a roII
in any casino in town.
Now, I'm sorry. But you owe us
51 ,000 doIIars.
-51 ,000 doIIars?
-PIus the minibar.
-Can we see that tape?
-I don't have 51 ,000 doIIars.
I'm a cartoonist.
I do background coIor for
Sunday's ''GarfieId.''
I Iove your work,
but here's what we do:
We're dangerous, quasi-criminaI,
take-no-shit Vegas types.
So, what does that mean?
What are you going to do? Hurt me?
I got into this business
to make easy money and...
...the damn thing is, they
hook you in and...
...then you find yourseIf doing things
you don't reaIIy want to be doing...
...Iike kiIIing peopIe Iike you.
And then you start to enjoy it,
which is a probIem.
I'm kidding. Making a Iight
remark, though probabIy not to you.
Point is, I wiII hang you...
...cut your baIIs off
and put them in your pocket.
But not without a Iot
of Jewish guiIt.
You owe me, in one month,
51 ,000 doIIars.
And starting now, I wiII need
a daiIy security deposit.
I think it's important if we go back
to that tape with the Iadies.
But cheer up.
I am going to comp the minibar.