Is Tricia here?
I'd Iike to ask her something.
Yeah, she's upstairs.
Watch that.
I'II take you up there.
-Turn it off!
-Turn it off! Turn it off!
-Goddamn it! Son of a bitch!
She's upstairs with ConsueIa.
Damn hose.
Must have had a kink in it.
Any Iuck with the money?
Oh, no. I tried everything.
I don't know what to do.
Oh, boy.
Is your bIood sugar Iow again?
I was wondering about
a friend of yours, NataIie.
A bridesmaid at your
sister's wedding.
NataIie? Steve, offer MichaeI a beer.
-You want a beer?
What do you want with NataIie?
Nothing. I was thinking about her
and I thought maybe I'd Iook her up.
We don't have one cIean gIass.
We have a fuII-time maid
for chrissakes.
What is it that you do around here?
It's Saturday night, right?
I know exactIy where she is.
You Iooking for a date?
-You're not my type.
-Whatever. You wouIdn't be anyway.