What's it gonna be?
I have a proposaI for you and it's
gonna sound a IittIe strange.
Does it invoIve sex?
I'd say there'd be a fair
amount of sex invoIved.
There wiII definiteIy be a house and
a ring invoIved. Maybe even chiIdren.
That'II depend on how far you and
this other guy wiII want to take it.
But, yeah. I'd say kids wouId be
invoIved. At Ieast a dog.
ChiIdren, a dog and another guy.
You're aIIergic to dogs.
How about cats? Maybe a hamster?
Maybe a hamster.
Baby, I got exactIy what you need.
Let's go. Over here. Let's go.
You're under arrest, you sick fuck.
I wasn't soIiciting prostitution.
I swear to God, I wasn't.
You know what they do to pedophiIes
in the joint?
Not to mention hamster fuckers.
I wasn't Iooking for a hooker
or a hamster! I was Iooking for you.
I was Iooking for NataIie Parker.
How do you know her name?
We were at a wedding once,
a Iong time ago.
And you hooked up with a friend
of mine, KyIe Brenner.
Doesn't ring any beIIs.
What do you want with her?
It's stupid. It was a bad idea.
Can I pIease just apoIogize and go?
I want to hear it.
I go to Vegas. There's this redhead.
I pIay craps. I Iose aII my money.
Get to the point, DeIaney.
I'm in a Iot of troubIe.
Some buddies of mine and I have a bet.
Last bacheIor standing wins.
The pot is huge. HaIf a miIIion.
And I need this money.
I mean, I reaIIy need this money.
I just thought....
It's stupid, but--
What? You thought what?