Nice memory for a girI's first time?
I was kind of hoping for ''Iove wiII
prevaiI,'' but you know what?
Hate wiII do just fine.
Sorry! Sorry about that.
The first thing we have to do is
get to know ourprey.
Precisely what kind ofgirls
he likes.
-Be carefuI. This is expensive.
-I'm sorry. It's heavy.
Hand me the night-spectrum
spotting scope.
I think we Ieft that in the car.
Then just hand me a pair
of binocuIars.
Long time no see, KyIe.
The guy has pIeather furniture.
What kind of Ioser has pIeather
Beats me.
A stewardess. How cIiché.
Subject Iikes brunettes.
Prefers subservient women in uniform.
Let me see. Quit hogging them.
It's my turn. Give me.
This is so cooI.
This is better than cabIe.
God, I never had a stewardess.