I think they're Ieaving.
It'd be cooI to get some audio.
We wiII. Give me five minutes.
My God, this girI is Wonder Woman.
I'm terrified, yet strangeIy aroused.
Take that robe off. Aren't you hot?
No, no. I'm good, I'm good.
-You guys want to come over tonight?
-I can't. I got a date.
With who? That stewardess?
Did I teII you about the stewardess?
Yeah, great tits. I beIieve you
had sex with her.
Yeah. AII night Iong.
But this one's better.
-Why is that?
-Shoot some sticks.
She's a cosmetics counter girI.
If I ever get married, it'II be
to a cosmetics counter girI.
-Why a cosmetics counter girI?
-GriII some steaks and....
They're the perfect woman. They'II
aIways smeII good and wear makeup.
They're not too ambitious.
And they won't be a damn
feminist bitch...
...keeps her own name when you marry.
-Like my mother?
-Yeah, exactIy.
Let's get out of here.
-Mike, you coming aIong?
-No, I'm good. I'm good.
I'II stay and get a good sweat going.
-Take care of yourseIf.
I'II catch up with you guys.
This is my favorite group.
You hear that?! Yeah!
It came in stereo.
This is a system. Oh, yeah!
You hear that bass?! Good, right?!
You want more?!