Here. Got you something.
These wiII go with
my horny deviI socks.
-Thank you.
-You're weIcome.
So, what's our man up to?
Trying on underwear.
So you hungry?
I think I just Iost my appetite.
Have some sushi.
Oh, no, no. I don't do sushi.
-I've aIways hated sushi.
-Everybody Iikes sushi.
Not me.
AII right, you're going to try sushi.
Yeah. Try sushi.
-It disgusts me. ReaIIy.
-Open your mouth.
Toot-toot! Open your mouth.
Good boy.
There you go.
There you go, sport.
You're a fun date, aren't you?
I toId you I hate sushi.
I guess so.
This was a good idea.
Yeah, I agree.
You're Iooking cute.
You vixen.
Subject likes brunettes.
Prefers subservient women in uniform.
My God, this girl is Wonder Woman.
l'm terrified, yet strangely aroused.
You hear guys taIking about
having bIue baIIs.
I'II teII you, the Iast coupIe of
...I fuck and I fuck and I can't
get any reIief.
HoId on. I gotta take a break.
I ate some raw fish.
PIease, give me one second.
Do you Iike it better...
...when a girI makes the first move on
you or when you do?