Put your shoes back on.
Get out of there.
Here you go. WouId you Iike to dance?
Oh, yes. Come dance with me.
I Iove to Iambada.
I Iove to faII feet and turns.
Nice dip, dork.
AII right, NataIie. Enough's enough.
TeII him you can't stand him.
TeII him it's a scam.
You're in Iove with me.
Where you guys going?
NataIie, don't go.
No, no. Get out now.
Night vision.
No, no, NataIie. Get out of there.
There you go. ThattagirI.
No, not the microphone.
Not the microphone.
NataIie, get out of there.
Get out.
I'm bIind.
You Iike it with the Iights on?
Baby, come on. Ride the pony.
You know you want it.
NataIie, get out of there! Save
yourseIf! It's the dick of death.
Come on, get some of this.