Oh. Ha ha ha.
SeƱor worm.
Muy bueno.
Give you...
Jesus Christ.
-Join us.
Ah, Mr. Stoddard.
A friend is waiting
for you upstairs.
Oh, good.
-CaIm? I am caIm.
-That's good.
And I made a decision
caImIy and dispassionateIy...
to string Griffin up
by his baIIs.
PIease, pIease try
the chocoIate mousse.
-It's a poem.
-Thank you very much.
-She's caIIed a Iawyer.
-What Iawyer?
David ''the Shark'' SuttIer?
WeII, I didn't read
the whoIe card.
-Who recommended him?
-You did.
I don't know how you got
yourseIf into this.
I just--I don't--
I don't get it.
Come on. Are you teIIing me...
that in the Iast 25 years
you haven't even--
You haven't one time?
-You're kidding.
-Not once?
Oh, come on.
No. I'm not making
a big deaI out of it.
Have you thought
about it?
I'm a normaI guy. OK?
SeveraI times
I've thought of it.