Town & Country

Thought about it numerous,
numerous, numerous times.

Numerous times,
but, you know...

you must think that
I'm some kind of a--

A stiff.
I was gonna say prude.
OK? But you get
to a certain age...

some things become important
that weren't important before.

We're not kids anymore.
What is important
is continuity...

I don't know how you got
yourseIf into this situation.

You know, sometimes
you're very judgmentaI.

-Which way you going?
-Which way you going?


Yeah. OK.
I'II see you Iater.
Let's be reaIistic
about this, though.

Hi, sweetie. You're so dar--
I am being reaIistic.

As I recaII, you had
a IittIe bit of a thing...

yourseIf a few years ago.
Not to bicker--

-I mean, I don't--what?
-I'm taIking about Hans.

I--I don't know
anybody named Hans.

Oh, you mean Fritz.
Oh, yeah, exactIy.
I mean Fritz.

Yeah, but you know what,
you know what?

Fritz was 11 years ago,
Griffin and I had an argument...

he was from Europe,
he didn't speak EngIish...

so it does not count.
-Oh, it doesn't count, huh?

Oh, I wish I had known that.
Can I say something?
CouId you think about compassion
or even possibIy forgiveness?

What about betrayaI?
What about humiIiation?

Look. I understand how you feeI.
You don't know how I feeI.
Imagine if it was Porter.

Oh, that's absurd.
Porter wouId never do
anything Iike that.

WeII, of course not.
It's not his styIe.

He's Iike a rock.
Ever been married?
I am married.
He reminds me of you.

Yeah. He's reaIIy,
reaIIy mature.

That's what I Iove
most, you know--

maturity, dependabiIity...
