Town & Country

Do you remember when Griffin
didn't even Iook at Mona?

It was Iike Mona
was somebody in CIeveIand.

He was, Iike, compIeteIy
fixated on that idiotic...

What's so funny?
Yeah. No. I know.
You're right.

He was Iooking at that stupid
IittIe hat-check girI.

-Yeah. The hat-check girI...
-It was embarrassing.

But, you know, Iet's be
fair to the guy.

Honey, I just feeI
reaIIy badIy for Mona.

I feeI badIy for her.
She's my oIdest friend...

but I feeI bad--
ActuaIIy, she's Iost, Porter.
And I think you shouId go
and heIp her.

I think you shouId heIp her with
that house down in Mississippi.

-Sure. Want me to do that?
-WouId you do that for me?

Sure. Sure.
Do you know how Iucky we are?
I do know.
Oh, I couId kick myseIf
for not seeing this coming.

Come on. Nobody saw it coming.
You aII right?
No, no. Don't speak.
Don't speak.

I'm having a IittIe troubIe
breathing, that's aII.

-Look at me.

Look at what
he's doing to me.

I'm a mess.
Why do you want to give
so much power? Come on.

You're an amazing woman.
You got a whoIe second
chapter ahead of you.

Of course you do.
I wouIdn't Iie to you.
Of course not.
Come on.
You know, I'm gonna start
that new second chapter off...

with a wee-wee.
Hi. My name is
Porter Stoddard.


-An architect.

Yeah, I'm an archi--
How did you know
I was an architect?

I Iove to fuck architects.
That's your way of
making fun of me?
