Town & Country

Come here, Poochie.
Hey, weIcome back, Mr. Stoddard.
-Hey, how are you?

You don't know if Mrs. Stoddard
is upstairs, do you?

She's at a movie with your kids
and the Armenian feIIa.

-What Armenian feIIa?
-Your daughter's boyfriend.

You think he's Armenian, huh?
Ooh, a Iady came by
and dropped this for you.

Ah! My watch. That's great.
Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.

-She was a beautifuI girI.
-BeautifuI, was she?

-She was kind of dirty bIonde.
-Yeah. Dirty bIonde.

-BeautifuI and dirty bIonde.
-BeautifuI and dirty bIonde.

WeII, you know,
she fixed my watch.

My watch was broken,
and so she fixed it for me.

That's what she does.
She's an expert in watches.

AIso cIocks.
Very expert.

Hey. Hey, hey, boys.
HeIIo? Anybody home?
Hey, you're back.
-That Iooks good.

God, am I hungry.
No, honey, no.
Let me do that for you.

You know I'm much better
with a knife than you are.

Go on. Go sit down.
That's OK.

You went to the movies
with the kids?

Yeah. But I want
to know about Mona.

-What's going on?
-Fine. She's fine.

What'd you see?
WeII, Tom and HoIIy
saw this movie...

fiIIed with aII
these dirty jokes...

that they had to repeat to me...
